My Toyota Garage - Project - 20v Panda AE86 - AW11 MR2

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My Toyota Garage - Project - 20v Panda AE86 - AW11 MR2

Postby peter26s » Mon Mar 24, 2014 1:44 pm

I have been inspired to write a build log after seeing all the other ones on this site, Keep up the good work guys!

To make things in chronological order, i will start off with what got me to where i am now. As this is also a story on how i got into this passion so be patient


A 1990 Corolla and 1990 Cressida
Whats the point of these?
Well I thought i'd like to share with you my whole story.
I was a kid and had no say in what cars were coming into my life, But my Pops, being an older folk, he was determined that new cars are evil with all their gadgets and flying machines.
So those to "Toy"ota's are His.

Now lets move on to ME

I eventually got my own license and began using and caring for his TOYS
Unfortunately they were automatic which is no fun.

So as the months went on, and the occasional browsing for cars went on i still was not able to find my dream car, An Nsx.
Im just kidding, who has the money for that...

I was looking at a del sol, and then a miata. but they just weren't right.
A wild MR2 appeared, luckily i had a master-ball to catch it! (Pokemon term)
I was inspired to buy this TOY because my Pops also has Toys.

This MR2 AW11 1986 was the most mint one i have seen and i just fell in love. Completely Stock and original everything from Toyota
This is my daily driver till this day.

So the more and more i drove this MR2, the more and more my passion for cars grew
I began buying and selling cars for profit.
This is my kill list so far
1998 Red Civic coupe <---- This is what i learned to drive standard on
1997 Red Civic coupe
1998 black Civic sedan
2003 Black LancerRally Oz
2003 Acura Rsx

All of them were standard.

So the day of my graduation ceremony (high school)
I had my eye on a swapped Silvertop 20 valve in a MR2 Aw11 1986
So instead of preparing for my graduation ceremony i decided to head out for an hour drive to buy myself this MR2
I made it back home with the car(just slapped some plates on it and had my dad follow me in his Corolla)
Now that im home with the car i rushed out as fast as i could to make it to my Grad Ceremony, once i got in they were calling names already, luckily my name is near the end.
And this is her

At the time i bought her, i had no idea what a "silvertop" was, she was really rusted up, as you can see in the next photos

My goal was to revive her and make her look pretty again but i needed parts
SOOOOO now a Photo with them both

At this point in time my neighborhood was watching me and thought i was crazy for having 2 of the same car and the fact that they were both soo loud.
So i looked and looked, and this is what i found, My third MR2, she had no engine in her

The parts car is the one currently on the driveway
If my neighborhood didn't think i was crazy then, they definitely think so now, aha

So i stripped and stripped and stripped some more ( not on a pool -_- )
The top left photo you can see a bit of my dads corolla next to her
The top middle photo is when she was on the dollys of the tow truck that brought her home
The top right photo is another shot of all three of the 2's
So the main bottom photo, is her after i stripped away,
i pulled the whole front suspension as one piece with the sway bar and the control arm ( i believe )
i took out all the carpeting, all the trims, the doors, the back window, the triangle windows, the gear shifter, the dashboard the engine lid, the hood, the seatbelts......
......basically anything that i could possibly take off
Oh and cant forget the seats, i actually did not own a clean pair of the original mr2 seats, i liked how comfortable they were so i slapped them into my Mr2

you might think im crazy but there was something about the bucket seats that i didnt like.

so moving on...
the parts car got taken to the scrapyard
and the black mr2 got put away in my tiny garage

in the bottom left of the picture you can see the whole front suspension that i took off the parts car
and she sat there some more

collecting even more dust

and some more

So finally i began playing around with fiberglass and bondo.
i started with the side that was worse, the driver side, DUN DUN DUN!!!(dramatic sounds)

^This corner was soo rotten that when i bought the car there was a sweater in there just to block off the whole,
so i took my cutting wheel and got busy with her
i rolled her outside to do this,
then brought her back in and took some more photos

thats the wheel well as you can see


i kinda already started the under the door area before i snapped a photo, but it was bad.


closer shot of the wheel well


and a shot of the interior just for the fans

AND BY THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!
i did not paint this car, it was painted by the previous owner, he didnt bother to do the door jams or under the moldings.

soo this is what i managed to get done

i welded a piece of metal that i cut out and shaped to the corner and then filled with fiberglass, then a layer of bondo over
its not done yet! but its what i have done so far

now the rest of the wheel wells and under the door, they came out pretty nice



And thats it for now.
i was busy with school, as it is my first year of university.
and then winter came

And BAM!!!!! my windshield broke
there was lots of ice on it and i broke my window trying to get the ice off :c a very SAAD day for me
this is her at the glass shop

this is the windshield removed

and voula!!!! a new window

And just for fun!
Remember that i said i wanted an Nsx? so i bought one
Ahahahahahaha i wish, but i saw one, this was the first nsx i saw in person, i was amazed, so i put my MR2 next to it

:!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!:
The moment you guys have all been waiting for!!!!!!!
Introducing the GTS AE86
OH ya, i moved and now have a double garage!!!!!!!!!
so i bought this car from a young gentleman unfortunately for him he had to sell it for reasons,
It was going to be parted but i said NO!!!!!!!!
its mine, ill buy it, so i bought it.

This is the start of my AE86 project, he had the origonal blue interior, but he had also bought a whole black interior set,
center console, dashboard, door panels, and more
he had just installed coilovers new brake setup as well

the engine was a 16v 4age ( the same one in my red mr2 )
but he didnt have it in the car, it was out with the transmission as one piece.
so when i bought this car we slapped the engine and transmission in the passenger side of the car, i put the seat somewhere else.

so thats when i had my idea,
i did not like the fact the my black mr2 was so rusty, and i didnt want 2 mr2s, soo i figured it would be a good idea to take the silvertop out of the mr2
and put it in the ae86
so i began to take her apart

and some more

and some more

and up she went

this is just a shot of both my mr2s inside

some shots of both of them before pulling the engine out

now everything is unplugged, unhooked, unscrewed, disconnected
She's hooked up to the hoist now,

now shes starting to drop, and the mr2 is starting to go up.

and now shes out!!!, what a relief
another angle

now with that engine out, i had to get the other engine out, but the other engine was only in the passenger seat so it wasnt hard
but the hoist almost tipped on me which could have injured me, So be careful guys !
now the 16v4age is out of the ae86 and its next to the 20v

thats the 20 valve over there

shot of just the 16v with the tranny

a shot of them both

another angle
you can see the 2 rear coilovers on the shelf, (blue and yellow)
the fronts are already installed, just not the rears
another shot

here's a front shot of my cars
you can see in the corner the 2 dashboards and the rest of the stuff that the guy gave me with the ae86
theres a brand new rad there too. with some t3 blue hoses

a shot of the engine and the ae86 passenger side

now what im trying to do is take apart the tranny from the 16v and hook it up to the 20v
and bam!, so i took the tranny apart, and it was really dirty in there, there was black stuff that was really grimmy, i was not sure what was safe to clean it with so if anyone can tell me that would be great
heres a better shot of the grimyness

a shot of the 16v without the tranny

a shot of the 16v the 20v and the tranny

so now i moved the 16v to the corner where the 20v used to be and the 20v is where the 16v used to be
i also connected the tranny to the 20valve

and this is where i am now!!!!!
some notes are:
#1 - im a young teen doing this all out of passion, with no education in mechanics
#2 - if im doing anything wrong, or if you see a better alternative to what im doing people please tell me!! thats what im here for
#3 - i need help, this is where i am today! what do i do next
i was planning on trying to fit in the engine with the tranny in the car,
i have new engine mounts
ive never done this **** before and im hoping you guys could help.
im kinda worried about the wiring as well, the 20v atm has the ecu with is and the harness , and the harness for the ae86 is in the car , i dont no jack **** about the wiring so please do help if you can
anyways i hope you guys enjoyed reading my build i will update it whenever i can
but this is where i am today

March 24, 2014

also i know you guys may be more interested in the ae86 so i got some shots of the interior atm
i have never seen this before, it is a pump and i guess it puts air somewhere in the seat if anyone knows please do tell

thats my new school and my old school, ya we have a 2012 civic, thats my moma dukes

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
last week i went to go but some goodies from a convenience store and i came out to see this!!!!
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

if you dont quite see whats happening heres another picture of my baby

Yup someone just broke into her, sigh....
it is not at a shop resting for some time


so i took some photos for a befor and after picture, as soon as i get her back ill post pictures of her again, hopfully with a brand new paint job
luckily remember the parts car!
ya her, well i knew it was a good thing i kept her doors, now i can use the windows from that,
so hopefully in a week ill have my mr2 back! and ill let you guys see her!

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Re: My Toyota Garage - Project - 20v Panda AE86 - AW11 MR2

Postby Clouds » Mon Mar 24, 2014 2:44 pm

Welcome to the forum and I hope your build goes as well as you want it to!
There shouldn't be a day that goes by where you don't learn something new.

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Joined: Wed Mar 12, 2014 9:53 pm

Re: My Toyota Garage - Project - 20v Panda AE86 - AW11 MR2

Postby peter26s » Thu Apr 03, 2014 8:20 am

Alright so i began completing the interior with the new set i got

First thing is first and that was taking everything out for a clean and just so i can know if im missing anything and a wipe down from all the dust
i took the back seats out because it wasnt sitting in their right, well the passenger side, it just needed a bolt at the bottom of the backside. and the carpeting of course

so here is all the original blue parts set next to the new black parts set

yup thats the toyota wheel , but im going to stick with the momo wheel, theres just something about momo that i like its probably the name

heres a shot of my pop's corolla
an engine bay picture because i dont think ive uploaded one


i began the interior now...
just test fitting my new seat
havent decided if i should stick to the stock seat yet
ya it needs to be cleaned by thats not my biggest concern atm
you guys tell me what youd rather keep, the momo seat or the stock

anyways heres the rest of the interior coming together
getting the door panels in
the speaker covers

oh i also got a new set of kicks

Posts: 4
Joined: Wed Mar 12, 2014 9:53 pm

Re: My Toyota Garage - Project - 20v Panda AE86 - AW11 MR2

Postby peter26s » Mon Apr 14, 2014 5:05 am

I have the engine in i will post pictures later, although it is not in securely