Hello everyone,
I have an Alternator issue and I hope your knowledge can help me.
I leave in Portugal (sorry in advance for my bad english) and I have an ae86 gts Kouki since a couple of years.
Last year, I changed the engine for another 4AGE in perfect condition (I replaced the water pump and belts at the same time) but after reconnecting all wires, I didn't have the charging light when the ignition was on.
I didn't have this problem before, I was thinking about a bad regulator so I replaced the brushes and regulator.
Now, I have the charging light on when ignition is on but it does not turn off when the engine is stared.
I replaced the alternator for a brand new one with specs : 12V 60A, no change my problem is still there.
My voltmeter indications :
Ignition off : Battery = 12,5V, B+ wire =12,5V, IG wire (ign kick) = 12,07V, S wire = 12,5V, L wire (charging light) = 12,5V
Ignition on : Battery = 12,5V, B+ wire =12,5V, IG wire (ign kick) = 12,07V, S wire = 12,5V, L wire (charging light) = 0V
Engine on : Battery = 12,4V, the voltage decreases, I didn't started without the plug on Alternator.
I go back to my garage this WE, any help/ advice/ recommendation / DIY will be really appreciated.
AE86 16v Alternator issue
Re: AE86 16v Alternator issue
There should be a high amperage fuseable link in the circuit. Check the connections and verify that the link is good. On the USA models the fuseable link is located near the battery. davew7
Re: AE86 16v Alternator issue
The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress
depends on the unreasonable man.
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress
depends on the unreasonable man.
Re: AE86 16v Alternator issue
Hi everyone, I forgot this post.
I bring here the conclusion for anyone with the same
Problem… A harness wire broke at a junction near the fusebox
Thanks for your help guys !
I bring here the conclusion for anyone with the same
Problem… A harness wire broke at a junction near the fusebox
Thanks for your help guys !