Formula D Asia Malaysia, the 2nd stop in the world Asia rounds of Formula D, Team RS*R and Fredrick Aasbo was there in force, as well as the current iron champion from the USA, Daigo Saito, with his sidekick Robbie Nishida, and Scion USA's star-studded Ken Gushi. Mixing and dicing with the Asian talents, the event was another profound step to make drifting a fully sanctioned motor sport in yet another country.
Challenged by occasional heavy rain, and monsoon-floods, high humidity, and other abnormal ways in which any car racing event is held in the home territories, the teams struggled to keep the drivers smiling, and machines working. But that didn't detract from the fun at all, as fans rushed in by the thousands to come see the spectacle on September 1, on the day before the Independence Day for Malaysia.
Pictures tell it all!